Regardless of what we might say, we seldom treat all people equally. In fact, it may not even be possible, since we all have preconditioned biases and prejudices of one kind or another.
As Christians, we must treat everyone the same. If we can’t it’s because we think more highly of ourselves than we should. The apostle Peter said, “I should never think of anyone as inferior” (Acts 10:28 TLB). Everyone is of value to society and of value to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Of course, there are people we may not like to spend time with—because of their attitudes or because we enjoy doing different things. But if we avoid anyone because of a pre-established mindset, then we are bigoted.
We live in a country in which we have the freedom to worship as we please with those who believe the same as we do.
But to ignore someone or mistreat someone because that person is from a different background or skin tone, it is displeasing to God.
God does not see what shade our skin is or what nationality or denomination we are. He looks into our hearts, and it’s what’s in there that matters.
When Jesus gave the commandment to “love one another,” He didn’t add, “if everything about them pleases you.” It was an unqualified commandment.
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:34).