“Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord.”
(Proverbs 16:5)
Dealing With Pride
original article by Larry Burkett
In order to cure a disease, we must first be able to recognize its symptoms.
Once we are trapped by our pride, we are of no service to God. Without a change and a commitment to accountability, we will not even be aware of our attitude of pride.
God will give us plenty of opportunity to recognize and correct the attitude of pride. The difficulty most times is admitting we have a problem.
It is vital for us to stay open to criticism, particularly from those who are spiritually discerning. Those most consistent in discerning our faults are usually our spouses. God has placed them in our lives as a balance, and they will help to off set our extremes if we will listen.
When we find that we only want to associate with the “right” people and look down at others because they’re less educated, less intelligent, or less successful, then we are no longer useful to God and His work.
We must actually demonstrate that no one person is more or less important than another.
Who do you think is most important in God’s sight?
The apostle Paul wrote, “With humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself ” (Philippians 2:3).
How do you break out of the pride trap? Vow to serve God and God’s people, and then make yourself accountable to others.
Is pride a problem in your life?